Next enrollment period: January  17-22nd, 2025!

Most people think endo is “just a painful period.”

But as an endo warrior, you know it’s SO much more.

Welcome to The Endo Warrior Circle:

The little community empowering endo warriors to take their health into their own hands one bite at a time.

With a health practitioner who actually gets it.

alyssa chavez endo belly endometriosis support

Hey, endo warrior, does this sound like you?

-You’ve tried every latest and greatest endo diet trend, but nothing actually works.


You’ve had surgery after surgery, but your endo keeps coming back and you know you need something more.


You have tried everything, but you are still left in pain and oh-so-tired.


You are feeling alone and isolated on your endo journey.


The Endo Warrior Circle was created just for you.


rest to digest

Now imagine this…

-Your bloating and endo belly are a thing of the past.

-You can eat stress-free because you know what actually works.


-You feel confident in the steps you’re taking towards better health. 

-You have regular access to an endo nutrition professional who really gets you plus an endo support network to lean on!



The Endo Warrior Circle

Let’s check out what’s inside!

Full access to the learning academy, packed with information on how to feed yourself with endo, how to support that endo bloat and fatigue, creating an endo friendly lifestyle, and so much more.

This includes videos walking you through everything, digital resources, access to all previously recorded live calls, and more. ($997 value)

Bi-Monthly Live Meetings. On the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, we hang out for an hour on Zoom.

You will have direct access to be able to ask me all of your questions about diet, lifestyle, supplements, and more.

You can also submit your questions in advance if you can’t make it live and watch the recording later! ($99/call value)

Access to the private community. This is a great place to connect with the endo community and make some friendos who get what you’re going through! (Priceless)

why are my periods so painful


Bonus! Once monthly live wellness practice, including yoga, meditation, breathwork, journaling, and more! ($50/month value)

Alyssa Chavez Whole Woman Wellness Period Pain Fertility Hormone Health

Bonus! Exclusive access to guest speaker calls, covering topics like pelvic floor therapy, acupuncture, supplements, nervous system support, and more! ($50/call value)

Hi, I’m Alyssa!

I’m a functional nutritionist specializing in endometriosis and I got into this biz because I was tired of feeling isolated and alone on my endo journey and not getting the answers and support that I truly needed. 


So I decided to look for deeper answers for myself and along the way I realized the power that diet, lifestyle, and truly nourishing my mind, body, and spirit was having on my health.

I saw how many endo warriors were out there struggling and I had to find a way to get this information out to other people. 


I’ve seen myself as well as countless clients I have worked with transform their health by individualizing their diet, lifestyle, supplement plan, and more to their unique needs. 


I created The Endo Warrior Circle as a way to bring that information to more people and to create a community of endo warriors. 


No one should have to navigate this journey alone.


Let’s do this, my friend!


You’re a perfect fit for The Endo Warrior Circle if…

-You want to feel less alone and isolated and have a go-to community of like-minded endo warriors.


-You’re tired of going down the Dr. Google rabbit hole and want to find out what will actually work for your body


-You want to have a qualified professional at your fingertips who can answer any endo questions you have about diet, nutrition, supplements, and more


Every endo warrior deserves peace of mind.

That’s why I offer a 100% risk-free guarantee. Unhappy with the membership once you get in there? Once you join, contact me within 14 days and I will be happy to offer a refund. Just email me at


How much does this membership cost?

You have two pricing options for The Endo Warrior Circle!

You can join on a month-to-month basis for $39/month or you can save by purchasing an annual membership for $429/year. 

Each option will renew automatically until you cancel your membership.

Is this membership really worth $39/month?

If you’re worried about investing more money as an endo warrior, I get it. I am an endo warrior myself and I know exactly how all those costs can add up. You have those medical bills, medications, supplements, healthy food, acupuncture, pelvic floor therapy, fertility treatments…do you really need to add in a monthly membership on top of all that?

That is 100% a valid concern. And honestly, that is really why I created this membership in the first place. I see my fellow endo warriors spending so much of their precious money trying everything they have seen recommended on the internet because, well, they are just desperate to feel better. 


I wanted to create a low-cost resource that can be a go-to place to cut through the confusion and conflicting information out there to get you actual, evidence-based and well-researched information that can actually help you.


This membership was created as a one-stop shop for you to find advice for dietary strategies, supplements, creating an endo-friendly lifestyle, and even mind body and spirit support through yoga, meditation, and more. Plus guest experts will be coming in to talk extra topics. All of this would cost a ton more money individually, so the membership is intended to make it all more accessible and affordable for you!



I’m already busy and overwhelmed with everything I have going on. Will I have time for this membership?

Having a chronic illness like endo already takes up so much of your time and energy. You already have work, family, and managing your health to worry about. And time is the most valuable resource you have! So why add a membership to your plate?


Well, one of the goals of this membership is to help you to get your time back! If you are here looking for holistic solutions for endo, odds are you have spent a lot of time taking deep dives on Google, reading books, and spending time in online forums trying to see what everyone else is doing. All of that can be a major time suck and then just leaves you feeling worse than when you started. 


The Endo Warrior Circle is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know from a holistic perspective about endo, so that late-night Googling can become a thing of the past!


At the end of the day, you can spend as little or as much time in the membership as you need. You can pop in and out or you can sit down and binge some content videos and Q&A recordings. This is your adventure and you get to choose how you spend it!

What makes you qualified to teach this information?

I get it, there is so much misinformation out there on the internet! In fact, that’s why I got into doing what I’m doing in the first place! 


My name is Alyssa and I am an endo warrior turned functional nutritionist. I have been in clinical practice since 2021 and have worked with many clients 1:1 during that time to help them restore their health. I have received my training from the Nutritional Therapy Association, Restorative Wellness Solutions, the International Association for Functional Hormone Health, and the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy with Erin Holt. 


I have studied nutrition in-depth and have taken specialty courses on gut healing, hormones, functional blood chemistry, and more and this education has covered a wide range of health concerns and deep dives on many topics affecting endo warriors. 


In addition, I am also a certified yoga and meditation instructor and have been actively teaching since 2010 so you will benefit from this as well!


Inside of this membership, I will be sharing information that is evidence-based, research-backed, and also coming from years of clinical experience of what actually works.

What is included in the membership?

The membership includes instant access to my full ever-expanding library of videos with information on creating an endo-friendly diet that actually works for you, supplements, lifestyle, yoga and meditation practices, nervous system support, live Q&A recordings, and more.


You will also be able to join live Q&A calls offered twice per month as well as live bonus calls that include mind, body, spirit practices like yoga and meditation as well as guest experts. 


The membership also includes access to the Facebook community where you can connect with fellow endo warriors!

I have already made dietary changes/tried holistic remedies/worked with a functional or holistic practitioner in the past. Will the membership still be helpful for me?

Absolutely! This membership is intended to meet you where you are. If you are brand new to endo or brand new to the idea that diet and lifestyle changes can make a difference for your symptoms, there is content in there to help get you started.


If you are pretty dialed in with your diet, but feel stuck and unsure how to continue to make progress with your symptoms, there is something for you as well!


If you just want to connect with fellow endo warriors so you don’t feel so isolated and alone, we’ve got you covered there too.

I’m concerned about making dietary changes. Do I have to follow a specific diet?

One of the main principles that I follow as a practitioner is bio-individuality. I don’t believe in a “one-size-fits-all” solution for endo. We are all unique humans with unique needs! Instead, I will help guide you to make the best choices for your unique body.


The same applies for supplements, lifestyle choices, and basically everything else we will talk about within the membership. If you are looking for a cookie cutter solution, this isn’t it!


What happens if I get in there and realize that this membership isn’t for me?

I encourage you to take some time to look around and soak up everything that the membership has to offer. If you have any specific questions or concerns or just aren’t sure where to start, please reach out in the Facebook community or via email at


But if you find that this membership just isn’t what you are looking for and you would like to opt out, I want you to do what works best for you. Shoot us an email and we will be happy to refund you.

I still have more questions about the membership! Who can I contact about that?

We are happy to help! Shoot an email over to 

Are you in?

Join our tribe of endo warriors, finally make sense of that holistic endo advice out there, and actually figure out what works for you and your unique body. 


See you in there!


Join now for just $39/month

or $429/year


Join the waitlist so you won't miss it when doors open!








endo warrior alyssa chavez
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Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and it hasn’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. One should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change.