So I Have Endo: Where Do I Begin?

So I Have Endo: Where Do I Begin?

Endometriosis was first mentioned to me in a fertility specialist’s office. I had barely ever heard the word, much less knew anything about it. At home, like most of us do when we encounter something we don’t know much about, I spent some time on Dr. Google. I learned...
3 Ways Gut Testing Helps Endometriosis

3 Ways Gut Testing Helps Endometriosis

Just yesterday I was on the phone with a doctor’s office and was told that endo is a “disease of the uterus.” I felt like screaming! If there is one thing I know about endo, it is that it is a full body disease. Endo is NOT just a painful period or even just a...
Inflammation and Endometriosis

Inflammation and Endometriosis

What’s the Connection? The short answer here is…everything! If you have endometriosis, you have likely experienced some pain. Or more likely, that is the understatement of the year! We all know when we have an injury like a sprained ankle, the pain you experience is...
Holistic Support for Fertility

Holistic Support for Fertility

Struggling with infertility can bring up a wide range of challenges and emotions. It seems as though everyone wants to give advice and “helpful” solutions like “just relax and it will happen.” Reaching out to medical doctors can leave you feeling like you have no...
A Natural Approach to PCOS

A Natural Approach to PCOS

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, affects around 1 in 10 of reproductive-age women. That comes out to an estimated 5 million women in the United States alone! PCOS comes with a host of uncomfortable symptoms and unfortunately is so often approached in the medical...
The Endo-Gut Connection

The Endo-Gut Connection

When we think of endometriosis, we tend to think of it as a gynecological disease affecting the female reproductive system. However, multiple studies have shown that around 90% of women with endometriosis also have digestive problems. In fact, one of the reasons it...
Endometriosis is Just a Painful Period…Right?

Endometriosis is Just a Painful Period…Right?

When my doctor first mentioned that I might have endometriosis, I of course spent some time on Google trying to figure out exactly what that meant. The first articles I came across all talked about painful periods and some mentioned things like pain with bowel...
Cycle Charting 101

Cycle Charting 101

The information in this post should not be taken as medical advice. All information is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your licensed and credential doctor or practitioner before embarking on any changes. Cycle charting is such an important part of...
The Truth About Your Pantry

The Truth About Your Pantry

Here’s the thing, I’ll cut it to you straight. If your body is sick or out of balance and you want to heal and improve your symptoms, you can’t keep eating and doing the same things that made you sick in the first place. Period. End of story. If your hormones are out...

The Best Diet for Hormone Health

To be completely honest, I am actually kind of laughing to myself as I write the title of this post. There is SO MUCH information out there on the internet about the healthiest and best diet for hormone health or just for health in general but the truth is that there...
Alyssa Chavez endo belly girl




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