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Welcome back to the Endo Belly Girl Podcast! Today, I am excited to dive into exercise for endometriosis with Amy Grace. Amy is a fitness trainer specializing in women’s fitness and a hormonal health coach. We also discuss Amy’s journey with endo and how she aims to empower women through their fitness journeys despite endo symptoms.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

-Endometriosis doesn’t end your life; it’s about learning how to work with your body.

-Everyone’s starting point is very different. You might have to do some functional work to get to the point where you feel like you can reach a consistent fitness routine. 

-Meet your body where it is right now. Understand your pain patterns, and menstrual cycles, and work towards feeling capable of having a fitness routine.

-Build foundational strength before you can get back to the old routines you had before your endo symptoms.  

-Exercise varies with your cycle. Some days will be better, and your approach should align with your symptoms.

-Cycle syncing and symptom awareness are crucial. Knowing when to take it easy helps manage pain flare-ups, and helps you identify when to take it easy with movement.  

-Identify movements that feel good. Understanding how different exercises affect your pain can help you stay active on bad days.

-Brainstorm a list of movements that you actually like to do, and then see what you feel from that movement will allow you to start exercising now.  

-Start with small, light exercises to keep your routine manageable. This way, you won’t feel worse than when you started. Gradually build up your routine as your body allows.

When it comes to exercising with endo, it can be frustrating when your body can’t do what it used to, or you want to do more than you can. Start with movements that feel good and are fun so you’ll stick with them. You don’t have to do everything at once. Accepting your body as it is now is the best way to build confidence and exercise routines because, over time, you will only get stronger.

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IG: @amy_projectfiercefitness


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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only. This may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

Full transcription and info

Navigating Exercise for Endometriosis with Certified Personal Trainer, Women’s Fitness Specialist, and Hormonal Health Coach Amy Grace

Navigating the world of exercise for endometriosis can seem like an overwhelming, daunting mountain to climb. The pain, the fatigue, the fluctuating energy levels dictated by the menstrual cycle—it can all feel like too much.

Amy Grace offers a refreshing and empowering outlook on how to take control of your fitness journey while living with endometriosis. We’ll unpack her strategies, and provide you with actionable steps to incorporate fitness into your life seamlessly.

Understanding Exercise and Endometriosis

Amy Grace is not just any fitness coach; she’s a certified personal trainer and the owner of Project Fierce Fitness and Wellness, specializing in female fitness, hormonal health, and particularly endometriosis. Her unique approach is to align fitness routines with the menstrual cycle, acknowledging the pain and energy fluctuations endo warriors experience.

Amy’s passion for this field isn’t just professional—it’s deeply personal. After moving to the U.S. from England, she came to terms with her own struggles with stage four endometriosis. Through her journey, she saw the need for better ways to align fitness with women’s bodies and fluctuating symptoms.

The Challenges of Exercise and Endometriosis

One of the biggest challenges that endowarriors face is the fear of exercising. Amy acknowledges this profound fear, revealing that she too was once apprehensive about engaging in physical activity. She feared triggering a flare-up or increasing her pain. This fear, often coupled with a lack of information, keeps many from reaping the benefits of regular exercise.

Starting small is a wonderful strategy to impart. The key is not to dive into high-intensity workouts right away, but to build foundations, boost confidence, and gradually progress.

Building Foundational Strength

Foundational strength is essential. Amy emphasizes identifying weaker areas such as the pelvic core, glutes, and hips to reduce pain and prevent flare-ups. Exercises that strengthen these areas can lay a solid foundation, gradually allowing for more intensity over time.

For example, begin with gentle core exercises that support the pelvic region, easing into more challenging workouts as your body builds strength and resilience.

Navigating the Menstrual Cycle with Fitness

The menstrual cycle significantly impacts an individual’s energy levels and symptoms. Amy explains that understanding these fluctuations and tying them to the four phases of the menstrual cycle can provide a roadmap for tailoring workouts effectively.

– Follicular Phase: This is often a time of higher energy. You may feel capable of handling moderate to high-intensity workouts. It’s a great time to incorporate strength training or cardio.

– Ovulatory Phase: Energy levels are typically at their peak. This phase is ideal for pushing physical limits a bit more, incorporating HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) or more rigorous strength sessions.

– Luteal Phase: Symptoms may start to return, and energy levels may dip. Aim for lighter physical activities such as yoga, stretching, or lower-impact strength training.

– Menstrual Phase: This phase can bring significant symptoms and low energy. Prioritize rest, gentle stretching, and very light physical activity if it feels right.

Tailoring fitness routines to these phases can help manage symptoms better and avoid the pitfalls of overexertion.

Personalized Fitness Approach

One size does not fit all when it comes to exercise for endometriosis. Amy’s Project Fierce Fitness offers a highly personalized approach. Through her online training program, each user receives feedback on exercise videos, monthly check-ins, and a self-paced course called the Evolve Endometriosis Method.

The comprehensive approach includes:

– Symptom Management: Techniques and strategies to manage endometriosis symptoms.

– Personalized Methods: Tailoring workouts to one’s pain scales and cycle phases.

– Empowerment Plans: Period and pain empowerment plans aimed at providing control and guidance during flare-ups.

With detailed tools and specialized programs, Amy’s methods focus on creating an individualized fitness plan that accounts for unique pain levels, symptoms, and overall health.

Building Confidence and Control

Starting a fitness journey doesn’t always mean jumping into the deep end. Simple, enjoyable activities are a great first step. By identifying movements you enjoy, the process begins to feel manageable and more empowering than intimidating.

Brainstorm movements or exercises you enjoy, whether that’s dancing, walking, or lightweight lifting. Begin with these activities to build confidence and a sense of control.

Support Systems and Holistic Approaches for Exercise for Endometriosis

Having a strong support system can make a world of difference. Community and support networks in fitness journeys can be amazing. Engaging with others who understand your struggles can provide emotional and practical assistance, making the journey less lonely.

Moreover, incorporating holistic approaches that address both physical and mental health can enhance overall wellbeing. This could include dietary changes, mindfulness practices, and adequate sleep, which collectively support a more balanced and empowered lifestyle.

Actionable Steps for Endo warriors

The episode concluded with some invaluable, actionable steps for those living with endometriosis:

1. Start small: Begin with light, enjoyable activities. Walking, stretching, or light core exercises can be a great starting point.

2. Build gradually: As confidence and foundation grow, gradually introduce more intensity. Be mindful of how your body feels and adjust accordingly.

3. Cycle syncing: Pay attention to your menstrual cycle phases and tailor your workouts. Use higher energy phases for more intense workouts and lower energy phases for gentle activities.

4. Seek support: Engage with a community or support network. Share experiences and strategies with others facing similar challenges.

5. Holistic health: Incorporate holistic approaches such as balanced nutrition, mindfulness, and adequate rest to support overall wellbeing.

6. Personalize your plan: Use tools like the Evolve Endometriosis Method to create a fitness plan tailored to your needs. Every individual is different, and a personalized approach is key.

Living with endometriosis doesn’t mean giving up on fitness goals. Through personalized, phased, and manageable strategies, endo warriors can regain control, build confidence, and live fiercely. Thanks to experts like Amy Grace, there are tools and methods available to help navigate the complexities of living with endometriosis while staying active.

Alyssa Chavez endo belly girl




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